Friday, March 31, 2006

Rebuilding my phone book

My cell phone was recently stolen and while the cell phone was replaceable (and indeed has since been replaced) the myriad of phone numbers I had stored in it is not so easily reconstructed. Just FYI, if I once had your number I don't anymore. If you would like me to have your number in the future feel free to email it to me and I will store it on more than just my cell phone for safe keeping. If, however, you are rejoicing at this news, thrilled that I can no longer call you against your will, I understand that as well. Don't forget to toast my lost cell phone at your upcoming celebration.


Thursday, March 23, 2006

To die is gain

But only for the dead.

For the rest of us it sucks.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006


Still here.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Anything is possible

Here I am at the start of another new year (or should I just say year, since due to the linear nature of time all years are new), and I just have this strange feeling that this year anything is possible. Driving to pick myself up some dinner tonight I was overcome with the sense that this year will be a very good year. I feel that this year I will figure some things out about where I'm headed in life, I feel I will accomplish some goals that have eluded me in the past and that I will grow in ways I haven't yet. It's an exciting feeling and I'm not really sure why I have it. I plan on working hard this year, both at work (regardless of whether it sucks or not) and on personal goals. I've had a year as a bachelor out on my own, doing basically whatever the hell I want (which means being as lazy as I want) and just enjoying being self-sustaining for once. Now that I've had that year, had plenty of relaxing time and caught up on my sleep debt from high school and college I think I'm ready to be more productive during my "free time." There will be several potential turning points coming up this year, the first of which will probably be what path my career takes from here. Thinking about it sometimes makes me nervous and I know I've done my fair share of worrying about it, but I'm pumped to see what happens too.

So what have I done with my New Year's Day? Woke up at noon and basically did nothing but watch MythBusters all day long. If you are a guy what is not to like about it? You get to watch them break and blow stuff up. It is awesome. And every time Kari is on the screen I can't take my eyes off her :) I love that red hair.

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Christmas Night Tradition

Snuffer's in Addison
Christmas Night
8 PM
Cheese fries and friends
Lots of fun

Saturday, December 10, 2005

How did you find me here?

I just got back from a David Wilcox concert, two actually. And I can't tell you how cool it was. First, it took me two hours to get there because of an accident on 183. I thought I had left in time, but was stuck banging my head against the steering wheel (literally) as it took me 75 minutes to make the second half of what should have been an hour trip. Then, since I came in five minutes late the only seat is right by the door and snack bar. So the 7 PM show was largely wasted on me as I will still frustrated from my drive and mad that the friggin' door was constantly opening and closing as people were showing up as much as 45 minutes late and getting up to get snacks and take a piss and were completely missing out on the greatness in front of them. The 7 PM show only ended up being 90 minutes and then I got to go out of the room, stretch, go to the bathroom and get in line for seating for the 9:30 PM show. I got a good seat away from the door and near the stage and greatly enjoyed the show.

Every David Wilcox concert I see is the best concert I've ever seen. It is an experience I wish all my friends could enjoy with me. He never has a set list, except for maybe the first opening song or two and wanting to play another one sometime during the show. He just gets up there and has fun, he is constantly laughing and smiling, making jokes and telling stories. He talks to his guitar and it talks back to him and tells him which songs to play. It is great, everyone gets sucked up into his good mood, they are smiling and laughing with him and just as eager to see where his guitar will lead him as he is. Also, spending a single hour listening to David Wilcox talk about the insights that have come to him over the years and listening to the songs that translate those insights to the rest of us through clever metaphors and startling lyrics, that experience brings me closer to God than any sermon I've ever heard. The way David has come to see God and relate to Him is amazing, and often he helps me see some of the simple things I've forgotten about how God loves me and wants the best for me. Second only to the way David sings about God and love is the way he sings about life and human relationships. It is almost like he knows exactly where I am in life and what I need to hear to give me hope or help me make a difficult decision and he picks those songs to sing out of the hundreds that he has written, its awesome.

I don't seem to have much to write about on here these days, but I think I might start writing about David's songs and what the lyrics mean to me. That will keep me writing on here and maybe those of you who read this will come to love his songs too and come with me next time he is in Texas.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

I Love Texas

I love Texas. The weather keeps you on your toes. Today's high temperature: 89 degrees. Today's date: December 3. That, in and of itself, is crazy. But within twelve hours of that high the temperature will drop more than fifty degrees. Wow.

Now, a survey to fill space online and time in my day.

Time Now: 12:16 AM

1.Do you shave?
Yes, though it is sad how little I have to shave. I'm 23 and can't grow a beard yet. But I would trade the ability to grow a beard or mustache for never having to shave again, it is a beating.

2. Do you like eating alone?
I do, actually. I don't think most people do, but I like being by myself, eating in peace and listening to audiobooks at restaurants.

3.Do you like eating with others?
I dig that too. Sharing a meal with friends can be some of the best fellowship and fun time there is. Especially if there is alcohol.

4. What color is your car?
Silver. It's cool. Better than the color of my last car, but I loved her anyway. I would love a dark green Corvette.

5. What size is your bed?
Twin. Still have my bed from before I started high school. I like it. It is simple and comfortable. Don't see any reason to change it out until I get married... and even then maybe I'll keep it, my wife and I don't need to sleep in the same bed other than during special time :)

6. Do you like sleeping?
Hell yeah. Too much. Getting out of bed is the hardest part of the day. I've gotten to the point where I can run all day on six hours sleep, but I still hate getting up, and I still can sleep 12 hours straight on Saturdays.

7. You're going on a date for a walk around the lake then a coffee at a cafe. What do you wear FROM your closet?
Something comfortable to walk in. Jeans and a T-shirt. Whatever it is it won't take but 20 seconds to pick out. I'm a guy.

8. Would you go naked in a bathtub with a naked old man/woman with each of you having a bar of soap and soap each other till the bars of soap run out for a million dollars?
For a million, sure :)

9. If you woke up one morning and found out you were going to stay in the body you have now for the rest of your life, what would you think?
I would think that I should have worked out more. :)

10. Letter or e-mail?
I use e-mail more and it is more practical a lot of the time, but I still write letters to some people.

11. If world war III broke out, what would you say?
Sucks, but I'm not suprised. Sign me up for the army and be on the look out for the second coming.

12. Buttons or boxes?
Not sure how the two compare. Umm, I'll go with boxes.

13. Which 5 people do you trust and are open with the most?
Other than family, Josh, Dylan, Brian, Mark and then I guess you have to go back to family.

14. What's something a guy/girl will wear that'll turn you off?
I hate black lipstick or nail polish on girls.

15. What's something a guy/girl will wear that'll turn you on?
I'm a sucker for just plain old jeans and a tank top on a girl, I'm also a sucker for a dress that leaves bare shoulders.

16. What do you think of soulmates?
The concept is interesting. I don't think there is just one soulmate per person though, many people will qualify. It isn't about finding one as much as choosing to make one.

17. Florida or Cali?
For living, probably Florida, but I really want to visit several places in California and drive up and down PCH.

18. Is the world screwed?
Pretty much.

19. Is cussing a neccesity in life?
Neccessity, no. But sometimes darn just doesn't cut it.

20. What's an object you can't live without?
Dunno, my bed? Computer? Google earth?

21. Can you live without the microwave?
Sure, if there is an oven. Or just a fire.

22. You have this uh, erotic dream about your friend of the opp. sex. how do you act and feel around that friend the next day?
Act, normal, though it may feel weird. Never happened though.

23. Would you rather be rich with 15 spoiled brats or just barely making it with a dog?

24. How's your schoolwork for you right now?
Done for now. May go back in the future.

25. What's something someone's done to make you hold a grudge against them?
Treat me like shit.

26. Favorite weather-
Spring, in the 60s or 70s, clear with a light breeze. I also dig overcast days when everything is grey.

27. What's one look trait that attracts you to a guy/girl?

28. What's one personality trait that attracts you to a guy/girl?
Sense of humor.

29. Do you know what 143 means?
It means (1 * 100) + (4 * 10) + (3 * 1) according to our base ten system.

30. Who's phone number are you hoping to get?
Who says I need to get one.

31. Describe melancholy, if you don't know, then skip this question.
A hard to describe feeling, not quite sadness, not quite depression, but something close to those. It is a funk I get into sometimes where I wonder about life and how it is going for me, I don't feel like doing anything and I don't want to leave my apartment but at the same time I feel weird just sitting around. Usually during these times I turn to thinks I find really comforting, certain foods, music and especially certain TV, DVDs of shows I really like, movies of a certain mood, etc.

32. Describe mellow-
A real go-with-the-flow attitude. Not much gets you upset or excited, you are just being, content in your place, perhaps even happy, but not overly so.

33. Do you believe in ghosts? why or why not?
No, no reason/evidence to.

34. What time did you sleep last night?
Got to sleep around 4 AM, woke up around noon.

35. Which guy/girl do you wish to be with RIGHT now?
Not sure I can answer that question, and even if I could I don't think I would here.

36. Is it right to flirt if you have a bf/gf?
I don't think you should do anything along the lines of flirting that you wouldn't do if your bf/gf were right beside you.

37. Would you rather be married in venice, italy, or honolulu, hawaii?
Hawaii, don't care much for Europe and Hawaii would make for a kick ass honeymoon.

38. Would you rather eat sandwiches or pasta for the rest of your life?
Sandwiches I think, more varieties of sandwiches than pasta.

39. (guys) How would you feel if you gave a girl a flower?
Good I suppose, depends on how she received it.

(girls) How would you feel if you got a flower from a guy?

40. Do you want to drop school?
Already did. I don't want to go back, but I feel I might anyway.

41. What do you think of the word, "no pain, no gain" ?
Eh. Not a big fan. The saying should probably be "No hard work, no gain" but even that wouldn't be true. I know a bunch of people at my office that have gained and didn't do good work in either quantity or quality.

42. What do you think of the quote "eyes are the passageways into the soul" ?
That's a decent metaphor. You can read a lot in eyes, even if they are technically incapable of expression.

43. What do you think of sleep?
Love it.

44. If you had the chance to slow down your growth now and live to 500 years but it's like a 50 year old body by then, would you go for it?
No, I don't want to live 500 years, not into this life that much.

45. At one point in a girl/guy friendship will one them them like each other even if it's only for a little bit. true or false?
Not all, but in a close friendship between a guy and a girl where they hang out with one another alone quite frequently I think it ends up happening a lot. Many times that's how it started in the beginning. That or the guy is gay.

46. Are you a procrastinator?
Can be, was in school a lot, doing better now though.

47. Waffles or pancakes?
Waffles, and Waffle House over IHOP too.

48. How's your cereal in your bowl?
Um, not sure that questions computes. I dig cereal. Is that a good answer?

49. What's an annoying trait about you?
I'm probably a bastard too often. Whiny, annoying or rude.

50. Football or rugby?

51. Hat or visor?

52. Ice skating or rollerblading?
Ice skating when it means hockey, roller blading for me though.

53.(guys) Your gf has long beautiful hair which you love, she comes to school the next day with a short crop cut. what do you HONESTLY think?
Honestly, I wonder what I'm still doing in school. Then I wish she handn't cut it, I love long hair on a girl and only dig the short hair thing in certain instances.

(girls) Your bf has hair you love. he comes to school the next day with a shiny head. what do you HONESTLY think?

54. Pizza or burgers?
Depends on my mood. But usually burgers. I dig Jake's, Ye Old Butcher Shop, Kincaid's, Snuffers, Whataburger.

55. What color is your jacket?
The one I'm getting for Christmas is brown. Yes, I already know some of the things I'm getting for Christmas.

56. What's something you ALWAYS have on you?
Wallet. Pen.

57. What do you think of guys with nailpolishes?
Gay or goth.

58. Do you stay in bed thinking or do you fall alseep in 5 seconds?
Thinking. I'm cursed that way. It can take hours for me to fall asleep sometimes. That's why I often listen to audiobooks, I start to pay attention to the story, not thinking about anything else, and it lulls me to sleep.

59. Would you rather go to a boarding school, private school, or an all girls or guys school?
An all girls school.

60. There's a high school that'll be on a cruise ship and you have the opportunity to go. It's your last year at school. do you go for it?
Sounds cool. Being asked that question in my current situation makes me think of a quote: "I keep getting older, they stay the same age."

61. Who do you want to take with you to the prom?
Took who I wanted. Done with proms now.

62. Your bf/gf gets drunk at a party. In their state of drunkness, they babble about that one time they fooled around with someone else while you were together. They wake up the next morning with a slight memory that did something stupid. What do you do?
Dump her ass. I'm not putting up with that crap.

63. Is cyber sex considered cheating?

64. How do you react to change?
Depends. At work I'm pushing for it. In my personal life, I like things the way they are.

65. Are you happy?

66. Favorite berries-
Not a big fan, strawberry wine is cool though.

67. What's one facial feature you'd like to change about yourself?
I'm cool. I dig having a crooked face.

68. Do you take a shower after a bath?
No, why would you?

69. What's color's your towel?

70. What do you think of knuckle cracking?
Makes me cringe. I don't do it.

71. What was the last thing you cried over or got teary about?
Dunno, it might have been Farscape.

72. Chalk or crayons?
Dry erase markers.

73. How's you happiness level right now? 0 (low)- 10 (high)
7 or so.

74. Coffee, tea, or me? ;)
Depends on who me is. I'm a big fan of tea though.

75. Wouldn't you just love to hug someone right now?
Nah, I'm cool...

76. Who was the last person who complimented you?
Probably parents, not sure.

77. What's wrong with your school?
Nothing, since I don't have one. Wouldn't have minded if my alma mater went farther in the playoffs this year though.

78. Do you know what an aphrodisiac is?
Yup. I don't think guys need them.

79. Who do you wish you could kiss?
Hmmm.... Sara Evans?

80. Movies at home on in a theater?
Theatre when it is near empty. Home most of the time.

81. Wanna live in a castle?
That would be sweet. In Scotland.

82. Isn't gondola a cool word?
I prefer smock... or gazebo... or Dukakis.

83. What coat do you wear in the winter?
I wear a hoodie right now, getting a coat for Christmas.

84. (girls) What's something about guys you don't get?

85. (guys) What's something about girls you don't get?
What's something that I do get?

86. Did you like Silence of the Lambs?
Frickin' brilliant.

87. If someone said you were hot, what would you think?
I would hope it was a girl.

88. You go to your bf/gf's house for the first time and in his/her room, and everywhere is... you. What do you think?
I'm out, see you, don't call.

89. What happens when you hear the word Christmas?
I think about Christmas.

90. Does being a psycho sound appealing?
It is.

91. What food brings back good memories?
Weinerschnitzel. Purdy's burgers. Taste of Italy.

92. Do you talk to yourself?
Yeah, a lot of the time when I'm working stuff out in my head.

93. Sun or moon?
Moon mostly, but I dig the sun on occasion too.

94. What's your opinion on love?
I like it. I love it. I want some more of it.

95. What's a happy memory of a time you've spent with the opp. sex?
That's a better question to ask me in person. There are several with several.

96. Would you rather go ballroom dancing or square dancing?
My mind is working a little fuzzy right now, does square dancing imply country dancing? Can you square dance with partner? I dig country dancing with a partner. A girl partner.

97. Do you think you can afford to lose weight?
Hell yeah.

98. If you could dye your hair any color, what would you dye it?
I'm good, thanks.

99. What's the nicest thing any one has ever told you?
I'd have to think on that one for awhile.

100. How was the survey?
It took awhile, but I was watching TV and drinking too, so...

Time finished: 2:09 AM