Saturday, December 10, 2005

How did you find me here?

I just got back from a David Wilcox concert, two actually. And I can't tell you how cool it was. First, it took me two hours to get there because of an accident on 183. I thought I had left in time, but was stuck banging my head against the steering wheel (literally) as it took me 75 minutes to make the second half of what should have been an hour trip. Then, since I came in five minutes late the only seat is right by the door and snack bar. So the 7 PM show was largely wasted on me as I will still frustrated from my drive and mad that the friggin' door was constantly opening and closing as people were showing up as much as 45 minutes late and getting up to get snacks and take a piss and were completely missing out on the greatness in front of them. The 7 PM show only ended up being 90 minutes and then I got to go out of the room, stretch, go to the bathroom and get in line for seating for the 9:30 PM show. I got a good seat away from the door and near the stage and greatly enjoyed the show.

Every David Wilcox concert I see is the best concert I've ever seen. It is an experience I wish all my friends could enjoy with me. He never has a set list, except for maybe the first opening song or two and wanting to play another one sometime during the show. He just gets up there and has fun, he is constantly laughing and smiling, making jokes and telling stories. He talks to his guitar and it talks back to him and tells him which songs to play. It is great, everyone gets sucked up into his good mood, they are smiling and laughing with him and just as eager to see where his guitar will lead him as he is. Also, spending a single hour listening to David Wilcox talk about the insights that have come to him over the years and listening to the songs that translate those insights to the rest of us through clever metaphors and startling lyrics, that experience brings me closer to God than any sermon I've ever heard. The way David has come to see God and relate to Him is amazing, and often he helps me see some of the simple things I've forgotten about how God loves me and wants the best for me. Second only to the way David sings about God and love is the way he sings about life and human relationships. It is almost like he knows exactly where I am in life and what I need to hear to give me hope or help me make a difficult decision and he picks those songs to sing out of the hundreds that he has written, its awesome.

I don't seem to have much to write about on here these days, but I think I might start writing about David's songs and what the lyrics mean to me. That will keep me writing on here and maybe those of you who read this will come to love his songs too and come with me next time he is in Texas.


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