Monday, October 03, 2005

Please put down the radioactive waste

Which is just what this blog might end up being. But until the EPA tells me to stop dumping (insert Beavis and Butthead laugh here) this blog will be coming at you twice a week... I hope. My goal is for these posts to be original (or at least stolen from several different sources at once) and "not suck." unfortunately that is all I can promise. My blogging habits having been inevitably sliding towards a giant hole in the desert where they will be slowly digested over the course of 1000 years. Oh well, I've accepted my blog's fate, but until that day I will makes use of this blog for my own selfish reasons. It is a good avenue for me to practice writing (or typing) and to rant. So that's it, that's what to expect. Welcome to the Reactor, hope you enjoy.


Blogger Anne said...

you spelled "unfortunately" wrong. you're off to a good start. just kidding. give us something good...reactor.

11:35 PM  
Blogger Radioactive Crow said...

Fixed it. Thanks for the head's up. You'd think I'd make use of spellcheck since it doesn't cost me anything. Just remember, writing and spelling are not the same thing :)

9:39 AM  
Blogger Jesse said...

Cool beans. Refried beans, that is!


12:02 PM  

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