Sunday, October 30, 2005

More of One

Ok, I had a conversation with my dad about the One Campaign and I have a few new thoughts on it. I still have the same reservations that I did in my last entry, but I've softened a bit on it. First, I should place a higher value on the job One is doing in educating the American people about the problems and conditions in Africa. I think that the number one (get it, one) thing that can be done towards a long term solution to the problem is to educate those people that have the resources to help. So bravo, good job, keep it up on the education. Second, I still think there is a serious problem in how the money is transferred from the givers to the people. The corrupt governments and warlords in Africa who would be receiving the money from the US government would only be passing along pennies on the dollar to the people who really need it. If One can do something about that, or spur some kind of reformation that will ensure the people who really need the money get it, then I will be much more inclined to support the campaign. Third, I'm still bothered that One is a campaign to get enough people to bug someone else to deal with the problem. However, my dad said it was explained to him like this: One is trying to get the American people to give the government permission to spend their money in Africa. That makes more sense I guess, still though, I would like it better if One also collected donations to send to Africa (which they don't). That would kind of be a show of good faith, a token that they are serious about this, by having those who support this movement to give some money to take to the American government and say "hey, look, we collected this much, we are serious about this, now will you help us out by giving more." That I think would be awesome. And finally, I think they need a new slogan. "The campaign to make poverty history." I can tell you right now that will never happen, there will always be poverty in African and in America. But that ain't so bad, people can survive poverty, even be happy in poverty, but a campaign to make suffering, starvation and disease history is a very good thing.


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